Building Operationally Mature Cyber Businesses

Investment Approach

Solving cybersecurity investment gaps


Features Overview


Our VC Approach

Cyber Capital Partners identified several market gaps in bringing new cybersecurity technologies to market. The first is the asymmetric information around “state of the art” technologies. There are “new” technologies that are brought to market that have been around for decades, but have been kept classified or on shelves. The second is the knowledge gap in the market that prevents medium sized companies and organizations from having a clear understanding of what will address their cybersecurity challenges. And the third is the investors need for market validation creates a catch-22 for any entrepreneur with a solid technology but limited marketing expertise.

CyberCP sources hundreds of cybersecurity technologies per year from National Laboratories, Incubators, Accelerators, Corporate Ventures and Entrepreneurs. We bring these technologies to our vast network of industry partners that can swiftly evaluate the market demand within their highly regulated sector. This process downselects opportunities to only those that meet our industry partners’ economic best interest - if they believe their clients need the technologies at profitable pricing, they will pilot test the technologies. This elevates our industry partners’ cybersecurity qualifications and their clients view them as thought leaders in solving cybersecurity for their vertical. This activity provides the critical market validation investors seek.

CyberCP then leads and syndicates investor groups to fund Seed-to-Series B working capital. We take an active role with each technology start-up, providing interim executive augmentation until the budget and operational maturity allow the portfolio company to staff its executive team. We provide a foundation for the entrepreneur to build from

Similarly, CyberCP partners with technology partners who can provide technology development resources and services to these start-ups. A start-up may have a small team of developers, but lack the ability to instantly onboard the staff and processes necessary to provide technology-to-product development, deployment and implementation, help desk and call center support, and customer success consultants who understand the differences between selling a product and solving a client’s problems.

Once the company has reached autonomous operations, CyberCP provides continuous oversight and governance, sourcing strategic partnerships and M&A opportunities, plus managing investor relations and outreach to continue to ensure corporate growth that aligns with current and future investors expectations.

Our role reduces from Executive Augmentation to Active Portfolio Investor as the company reaches improved operational maturity. Our role turns to Passive Investor as the latter rounds of capital bring investor groups with the ability to manage later-stage companies. We are cybersecurity company builders and excel at bringing proof of concept cybersecurity technologies through the most challenging phases of market and investor adoption.

Rooted in our belief that partnerships need to be strategic, culturally and financially aligned, CyberCP understands that few opportunities reach the market adoption, investor acceptance and operational maturity necessary to succeed. The value add that CyberCP brings is the difficult work to facilitate the myriad of conversations, provide sound business management, financial transparency and strategic planning required to attract and satisfy the needs of all parties in the cybersecurity ecosystem. We have invested over a decade in understanding the motivations and requirements, streamlining the processes and aligning our outcomes with those of the investors, the industry partners, the end customers, the investors and the regulators.

To learn more about our approach for growing cybersecurity investments, please click here.


Our Early/Mid-Market PE Approach

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